-[Five] Investigationᑣ𐭩

With each step closer to the door, Jungkook cursed the incessant ringing that continued interrupting his heated moment with Taehyung. It wasn't the officers' fault, really - they had lost track of the elusive V and were simply doing their job by searching diligently.

But Jungkook was too annoyed, too caught up in the smoldering tension, to care about being rational. How dare they intrude on his time with his crush? He was half tempted to smack their heads for the offense.

Drawing a steadying breath, Jungkook plastered on a polite, if tight, smile as he pulled open the door to the waiting police officers. He inclined his head respectfully.

"How can I help you, officers?" he asked, his tone laced with saccharine fakeness.

"We're searching for the escaped criminal V," the stoic Officer Choi stated bluntly. "He evaded us a while ago, but we're certain he's entered this colony. Therefore -"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes in clear irritation. "Yes, so? Go find him. What are you doing here?"

"We saw your window lights were on," the officer explained with forced patience.

"V could be using your home as a hideout without your knowledge. It's too dangerous, so let us inside to check."

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook scoffed. "So now I can't even have my own lights on in my house?"

Officer Choi leveled him with a no-nonsense look. "Look, kid, do whatever you want. But the situation is serious right now.

V slipped into this neighborhood, and of all the homes, yours is the only one lit up. That makes you a potential target for him to secretly take shelter in. We need to clear your home for everyone's safety."

The words only fanned the flames of Jungkook's indignant anger. "First of all, this whole 'serious situation' is happening because of your incompetence, not us!" he snapped, unleashing the full force of his fury.

"We didn't ask for some psycho criminal to come waltzing into our community. You're the ones who had V in custody but still managed to let the most wanted man escape! Don't put that on us like it's our fault."

Officer Choi's brows drew together in a forbidding scowl. "Don't you dare speak to us that way, boy. Like it's just that easy. You think you can do a better job?"

"I'm not a police officer, I never trained like you all," Jungkook shot back without missing a beat. "But you should have been more careful after catching someone so dangerous! When he got away due to your irresponsibility, you come disturbing innocent people in the middle of the night."

Folding his arms defiantly, Jungkook glared at the chastened officers. Part of him knew he was being unreasonable, lashing out purely from frustration over their intrusion.

But another, deeper part couldn't help but mean every biting word - he was sick of their incompetence threatening his time with Taehyung. One way or another, Jungkook was determined to get rid of this nuisance as quickly as possible.

"Don't you think you're being awfully suspicious by getting so angry?" one of the officers challenged, his tone laced with unspoken implications.

Rather than becoming flustered or nervous, Jungkook merely chuckled darkly, holding the cop's gaze with brazen defiance. "Would you like it if you were in the middle of passionately fucking your lover, right on the edge of having orgasm, only for someone to rudely interrupt the moment?"

He punctuated the crass statement with an exaggerated roll of his eyes, not bothering to censor himself. The officers shifted uncomfortably, clearly caught off guard by Jungkook's vivid candor regarding what they had assumed were innocent activities being disturbed.

"We're extremely sorry about that," the elder officer said at length, an awkward smile tugging his lips as he struggled to regain his professional demeanor.

"But could you please do a sweep inside, just to be certain? We don't need to enter, you can just confirm if anyone else is there for our safety and that of the citizens we aim to protect."

Jungkook felt a flicker of amusement at their attempts to handle the unexpected crudeness with polite decorum. Keeping them on their toes was quite fun, actually.

"I assure you, Officer, there's no one inside except me and my boyfriend," he replied, tone softening with feigned sincerity. "We just prefer to...make love...with the lights on. No need to worry on my account, though - my boyfriend is a skilled fighter. He'll keep me safe if any trouble arises. I appreciate your concern for the citizens, so you should continue your search for the criminal elsewhere."

One of the younger officers scrunched his nose in obvious distaste as a muffled

"Ew, gays!"

slipped from between his lips before he could stop himself. The baldly homophobic murmur didn't go unnoticed by his colleagues or Jungkook, whose eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Ew, homophobes," he shot back, tone laced with venom to ensure the insensitive officer heard and understood the retort clearly.

With reluctant sighs and uneasy glances between them, the cops seemed to realize there was no placating Jungkook further at this point. Officer Choi withdrew a card from his shirt pocket, extending it towards the younger man.

"Okay then, take this. Call the number if you notice anything suspicious in or around your home, and we'll be there within seconds." His tone made it clear this was their final appeal before giving up for the night.

Biting the inside of his cheek, Jungkook accepted the card, impatience thrumming beneath his skin to put this distressing interlude behind him.

"I'll be sure to do that, Officer. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back so I can finally cum. My dick's been aching for release," he stated with an overtly innocent smile, the jarring juxtaposition of his words only solidifying the deliberate provocation.

The poor officer could only stammer a strangled "Oka-" before Jungkook had turned on his heel, slamming the door in their shocked faces without another word. Letting out a heavy breath, he leaned back against the solid oak, oddly exhilarated yet annoyed by the encounter.







Jungkook leaned back against the solid oak door, a mixture of exhilaration and annoyance coursing through him after the tense encounter. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he smirked defiantly as the officers' parting words replayed in his mind.

"'Call this number if you find something suspicious,'" he mimicked in a mocking tone, making exaggerated faces to channel his lingering irritation. "As if!"

His expression softened as his thoughts drifted to the man waiting for him just down the hall. After years of pining from afar and praying fervently, the object of his desires - the infamous V, now known as Taehyung - had finally manifested in the flesh before him.

"My baby came to me for the first time after all that wishing, and I waited over five years just for the chance to see him in person," Jungkook murmured, something warm and possessive unfurling in his chest.

"And now that he's finally here with me..."

He trailed off, gaze darkening with determination as he pushed off from the door. There was no way in hell he'd let this opportunity, this connection with Taehyung, slip through his fingers so easily. Not when he'd coveted it for so long with every fiber of his being.

"They think I'll just let him go like that? Hah!" Jungkook scoffed, a wicked smirk curving his plump lips as he stalked back down the hallway towards his bedroom with renewed purpose.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, and I'll get what's mine by hook or by crook."

The thrill of the chase, the forbidden allure of bedding one of the world's most dangerous and wanted men - it all sang through Jungkook's veins like a siren's call he was powerless to resist. He would use whatever means necessary to secure his prize this fateful night.

Reaching the bedroom door, Jungkook paused briefly, steeling himself with a deep breath. One way or another, before dawn broke, the elusive Taehyung would belong to him inexorably. Of that, Jungkook had no doubts left to cling to.

With a self-satisfied grin, he turned the handle and slipped back inside to face his quarry once more.


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