-[Three] Pretty boyᑣ𐭩

V gulped nervously as he leaned closer to Jungkook's face and lips. His heart raced with anticipation, and he licked his lips out of sheer nervous habit. Just as he inched nearer, Jungkook's eyes fluttered open, causing V to flinch backward slightly.

"Stop staring if you're not planning to do something about it," Jungkook said brazenly, a coy bunny-like smile playing on his plump lips as he sat up on the bed.

"And you can kiss them, they're all yours after all."

V felt a rush of shock and speechlessness washed over him at Jungkook's bold words.

The younger man gazed at him with an adoring expression, as if V were his closest friend rather than a dangerous criminal. Jungkook was utterly enraptured by V's striking handsomeness.Β 

This was the first time Jungkook had seen V's face unveiled. He had fallen madly in love with the enigmatic man solely from the masked photos adorning his bedroom walls.

But the real V far exceeded his imagination - from his piercing deep ocean eyes that seemed to stare into one's soul, to his soft, blush-pink lips begging to be kissed, and his sharp, aristocratic nose. V was even more devastatingly handsome in the flesh.

Jungkook drank in every chiseled feature of V's face, his breath catching at the criminal's rugged masculine beauty. V was unquestionably the most gorgeous man Jungkook had ever laid eyes on, exceeding even his wildest fantasies.

"Y-you were awake?" V stammered, a rare show of vulnerability from the usually unflappable criminal.

He inwardly cursed himself for the stuttering tremor in his voice - he who could stare down the barrel of a gun without flinching, was inexplicably flustered by this pretty boy's presence.

"I was sleeping, but then I woke up when you came tumbling into my bedroom," Jungkook replied cheerfully, not a hint of fear in his warm brown eyes as he winked teasingly at V.

"I was so happy, I wanted to scream and hug and kiss you. But I held myself back and pretended to sleep to give you time to explore."

The audacity of his words hung thick in the air. V stood abruptly from the bed, fixing Jungkook with his most intimidating death glare in an attempt to reassert his aura of dark mystique.

But rather than shrinking away in terror as V intended, Jungkook merely beamed and flung himself forward, catching the criminal in a tight embrace.

V froze, utterly stunned by the sudden affectionate contact. The last time he had been hugged was nearly two decades ago by his own mother. He kept everyone, even his own family, at arm's length - yet here was this beautiful stranger clinging to him shamelessly.

"What the fuck?" V growled lowly, his tone laced with a warning edge. He had killed for far less - once putting a bullet between a girl's eyes for the mere crime of staring at him overlong on the street.

But Jungkook remained blissfully undeterred, nuzzling his face into V's firm chest as he breathed, "God has answered Jimin's prayers. I'm so happy, V."

He couldn't contain his joy, practically vibrating with excitement as his blindingly bright bunny smile stretched across his pretty features. V felt his heart stutter traitorously in his chest at the sight.

Tamping down the strange fluttering sensation, V gently pushed Jungkook away, holding him at arm's length. He wasn't wearing his mask this time, yet the younger had recognized him all the same. Arching one elegant brow, V fixed him with a dark smirk.

"Do you even know who I am, little one?" he purred in his deepest, huskiest timbre, fully expecting the endearment to frighten Jungkook.

Instead, the other's cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink at the petname. Rather than recoiling, Jungkook stepped boldly back into V's space, arms winding around his torso as he tucked his face into the criminal's chest once more. Peeking up at him coquettishly from beneath his lashes, Jungkook poked a finger into V's pectoral.

"Aww, don't call me that," he half-heartedly protested, before amending shyly,

"Actually...I like it. And yes, of course I know who you are, Daddy."

V felt a telltale stirring in his lower abdomen at the salacious way Jungkook purred that nickname. Their gazes locked, soft brown meeting dark, swirling depths, and V felt himself getting lost in the younger's doe-eyed innocence.Β 

Clearing his throat roughly, V raised one imperious brow. "You know me?"

He already suspected the answer, but something compelled him to hear the words directly from Jungkook's plump, kissable lips.

"Yes, you're the most wanted criminal V - my crush slash daddy," Jungkook confirmed with a brilliant smile, utterly unfazed.

"You've killed so many people that no one can keep count anymore. You're the most intelligent and mysterious person. Some say you kill just for fun and call you a psycho killer."

His tone held no fear, only admiration. "You've never let anyone catch you...until Detective Namjoon came along, but even he failed in the end when you escaped." A teasing lilt entered Jungkook's voice as he added impishly,

"You know, I prayed for you, Daddy."

V felt a shiver run through him at the salacious way Jungkook purred that petname. He studied the younger's face intently, but found no trace of apprehension in his warm brown eyes - only open affection.

"Don't call me that," V said roughly, making a halfhearted attempt to rebuff him. "And you're not...scared of me? Like everyone else is?"

For the first time in nearly two decades, V allowed the intimate contact, not pushing Jungkook away as the pretty boy clung to his broad chest.

The last time someone had dared hug him, it was his own mother before her untimely death. V had never felt comfortable letting others touch him, keeping the world at arm's length.

But there was something disarmingly endearing about Jungkook that made V's usual walls come crumbling down.

Jungkook rolled his eyes sassily at the question. "Of course not! Why would I be scared of the person I love most?" he scoffed.

That was the final straw for V's restraint. In one smooth motion, he seized Jungkook by the jaw, pinning him harshly against the wall as he leaned in with a feral growl. V's free hand fisted in Jungkook's hair, gripping tightly in warning as he met the younger's gaze with scorching intensity.

Rather than the fear V expected, Jungkook's eyes blazed with lust at the rough treatment, a delicate pink tongue peeking out to wet his plump lips in a blatant tease. The pretty boy was a kinky little minx, it seemed.

Gritting his teeth, V tightened his grip on Jungkook's jaw warningly. "What if I kill you right now, hmm?" he growled in that deep, rumbly baritone.

To his surprise, Jungkook grabbed V's hand and guided it to wrap around his slender throat instead.

"I have a choking kink, Daddy," the minx purred, voice dripping with sin as he held V's burning gaze.

Jungkook's persona had shifted entirely - no longer the cute, innocent bunny but a debauched temptress ready to play wicked games with his criminal lover. V felt himself harden at the sultry challenge in Jungkook's bedroom eyes.

"Come on, you and I both know you can't kill a pretty, hot, sexy, cute boy like me," Jungkook taunted with a shameless wink.

"You definitely can't, even if killing is your passion, Mr. V."

The blatant teasing lit a fire in V's veins, stoking his anger and dick in equal measure. He had never encountered someone so brazenly unaffected by his reputation or dark aura before. Part of him wanted to shut this infuriatingly defiant brat up...while another part was grudgingly, dizzyingly enamored by Jungkook's boldness.

"Well, my name is...Taehyung, Kim Taehyung," he whispered softly into Jungkook's ear, his deep voice causing a shiver of goosebumps to run down the younger's spine. However, it wasn't Taehyung's alluring timbre that elicited such a visceral reaction, but rather a sudden epiphany.

Jungkook gasped, eyes widening as the pieces fell into place.


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