-[Two] Arrival of Vᑣ𐭩

At 2:30 am, midnight, Seoul.


These shitheads are trying too hard to catch me, but do they really think they can capture me once again? How foolish! It was my fault.

I gave them the opportunity to catch me once, and now I'll not repeat that mistake again. I will not stop indulging in strawberry milkshakes just because I was hungry.

Shit! I have to run faster and hide somewhere, or else I don't care about the cops, but Dad will surely kill me if he gets to know I got caught by the police and they saw my face.

A growl rumbled in my chest as I recalled the earlier scuffle. No! I didn't let them see my face... they surely beat me, but I was a good fighter, so it was easy for me to knock out all of them and run away, using my brain and brawn.

Usually, I don't run away from these shithead police, but today was different because they had Inspector Namjoon with them, so I better hide for now. A sliver of grudging respect flickered within me at the thought of that tenacious detective.

I took my usual route to go and hide somewhere. This road is my favorite because it's always dark and empty. So peaceful. A few steps forward, there is a colony, but the cowards always lock their windows and doors just because of me. I couldn't resist a derisive snort at their predictable fear.

As I entered the colony, it was all empty, the lights off. And I'm not surprised to see the windows and doors closed. Maybe they got word that I escaped from the police once again.

A twisted smirk curled my lips. I love the way they get scared just by hearing my name. Heck! I heard that they don't even dare to utter it with their mouths.

Fools whisper it like a cursed incantation. I also heard that parents use my name to scare their kids when they refuse to eat food. How cute! A dark chuckle rumbled from my throat. Now I'm going to kill them! How dare they use my name and me for their selfish benefit?

Coming out of my thoughts, I started to look for a place to hide myself for today, at least. Then I'll go back to my so-called mansion of my father's.

Jeez! I hate him, but I love him for his power and money. I have to tolerate this charade for a few more years, then I'll take his place - more like his throne. The thought filled me with vicious glee.

Then I narrowed my eyes when I saw a window wide open, dim lights glowing from inside. I smirked creepily, curiosity piqued.

"It seems like the brat did not see the news yet. How cute! I want to die so desperately - but should I kill them or not? I'm going to hide there only. I'll decide in the morning if I'll grant them mercy or not,"

I muttered darkly as I climbed the pipe to reach the window. It wasn't that high since it was only the first floor.

Finally grabbing onto the ledge – I didn't care what – I hauled myself inside with its help. I sighed in relief when I peered out of the window and saw the cops were far away from the house I was now inside.

"Losers!" I scoffed, turning around but not before closing the window because I didn't want them to get suspicious. This house needed to look normal like the others to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

But my eyes widened as I took in my surroundings. I couldn't see properly because of the dim lighting, but I could clearly make out numerous provocative pictures of myself, probably taken by people to send to the police in hopes of catching me, and some were likely seized by the cops themselves to make 'Most Wanted Criminal' banners. I rolled my eyes, annoyed at their pathetic attempts.

"Rubbish," I muttered disdainfully.

Then I walked further into the bedroom. Oh, I just realized that I had jumped from the window and landed straight in someone's personal sanctuary. A wicked grin stretched my lips. I would get a good sleep today, at least.

"What the hell? Did I jump into some cop's bedroom or what?"

I muttered, unable to fathom why someone would keep pictures of me adorning their space. Was I seeing things? To confirm my doubts, I turned on the lights and gasped, eyes blown wide.

I was damn right. I wasn't hallucinating. It was actually my face staring back at me from every corner of this stranger's bedroom.

An unsettling feeling crept up my spine as I realized the bizarre, almost obsessive situation I had found myself in. Who would be infatuated enough with me, a notorious criminal, to plaster their bedroom with my likenesses?

A mixture of curiosity and unease swirled within me as I vowed to get to the bottom of this strange mystery in the morning. For now, surrounded by these provocative images, I needed to rest and regain my strength before making my next move.

With a final sweeping glance around the room, I settled onto the bed, intent on getting some sleep while I had the chance. A predatory smirk played on my lips as I wondered what other surprises awaited me when the owner of this unusual sanctuary returned.

Then my eyes fell on the notes stuck to the wardrobe, study table, wall, and photos of me. I couldn't help myself and started reading them. And I was traumatized, kind of? Yeah.Β 

"The love of my life?"

"Mumma, I'm living with a criminal?"

"Why is he so hot, God?"

"How badly I want to marry him and have a cute little family with him."

"When will he come to me?"

"I want to see him just once in person, please God make this happen for real."

"Koo's daddy."

"You are the best."

"I just wanna be yours."

"My alpha."

"Respectfully, I think about you sexually."

"I want my baby to have your eyes."

"Only mine."

"My intelligent daddy finally escaped from there. Of course no one can keep him for long."

"Leave you with the afterglow"

"He is so handsome even with a mask on."

"Look at his abs and his sharp eyes. Damn! I would let him kill me with those killer eyes."

"Wanna have your babies inside of my sp bad."

"These veiny hands, uff I will let him choke me when we are making love."

"I would let him ruin me."

"I'm a gangster wife to anybody kill-?"

"Under the bad influencer!"

"This criminal is most wanted by me."

"Can't help but just come and take me already?"

"Papi!! Fuck m- me???"

I was completely traumatized. Who had the audacity to write these things about me? Is this person crazy? A psycho? I never thought I would see this in my life.

Who the hell becomes obsessed with criminals? Who is this person? They know I'm a criminal who kills people.... I'm a fucking criminal. Weren't they supposed to be scared of me like other people?

I felt a mix of disbelief, disturbed curiosity, and an odd sense of being...desired? Wanted? For once, not as a terrifying monster but as an object of unabashed lust and obsession. It both unsettled me and intrigued me.

My brow furrowed as I tried to make sense of this bizarre, intimate look into the mind of my...admirer? Stalker? I couldn't decide. The lewd fantasies and explicit yearnings written so boldly caused an unfamiliar heat to stir inside me.

Who was this bold, unhinged person so captivated by me - the most dangerous criminal? A predatory part of me couldn't help but be....curious to discover the identity of my secret admirer. A wicked smirk spread across my lips as I vowed to get to the bottom of this depraved mystery.

Then my eyes traveled towards the bed, and my breath hitched in my throat.

Pretty Jungkookie

My gaze softened as I beheld a vision of pure, delicate beauty - a small, bunny-like human sleeping peacefully on soft, baby pink bedding. They were hugging an adorable stuffed bunny to their chest, looking utterly angelic and serene.

I found myself inexplicably drawn closer, an unfamiliar warmth blooming in my chest as I yearned for a clearer view of this ethereal creature.

As I approached, it felt as if the entire world around me came to a halt, rendered insignificant in the face of such exquisite loveliness. My eyes remained transfixed, softening further as I drank in each heavenly detail.

Long, feathery lashes fanned across velvet cheeks, fluttering ever so slightly with each gentle breath. A delicate, upturned button nose and lush, cherry-stained lips shaped in an unconscious pout that begged to be kiss-swollen.

My gaze lingered shamelessly on those plump, inviting pillows as one alluring incisor poked out, only enhancing the irresistible charm. How could anyone possess such otherworldly, cherubic beauty?

Something stirred within me, a strange yet insistent tug in my chest that I couldn't quite identify. Never in my life had I felt anything even remotely resembling this peculiar ache suffusing my entire being at the sight of this pretty, slumbering boy.

It was a new, wholly unfamiliar sensation for a soul as blackened as mine. I, a remorseless killer, was indeed cursed with a heart - no matter how feeble and withered it may be.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull, I found myself sinking onto the edge of the bed beside this angelic vision. My eyes roved shamelessly across the delectable expanse of that serene face, utterly entranced.

Those impossibly soft, kiss-swollen lips were profoundly distracting, igniting an uncharacteristic yet overpowering urge to ravage them with my own until they were bruised and bleeding.Β 

The intensity of my hunger for a mere taste shocked me to my core, for I'd never once felt the desire to bestow such intimacies upon another.

Yet here I was, barely restraining the urge to defile this exquisite purity with the rough crush of my mouth. My body hummed with an electrifying tension, a visceral need to claim and possess this delicate beauty in ways I couldn't begin to comprehend.

A deep rumble vibrated from my chest as my brow furrowed, conflicted. Why was I suddenly consumed by such perverse, depraved thoughts?

I who had never once been tempted to touch another human apart from meting out death and destruction. Yet this unassuming, ethereal boy had awoken something primal and ravenous within me.

With trembling fingers, I traced the outline of those devastating lips, shuddering at the whisper-soft caress of warm breath against my calloused skin. My own lips parted on a ragged exhalation, utterly captivated.

Surely one taste couldn't be so unforgivable a sin? Why did I feel such disconcerting hesitance, when I'd never experienced this crippling self-doubt before taking what I wanted? This strange, alien nervousness was as unwelcome as it was unfamiliar.Β 

I was a virulent plague on humanity, after all - what was one more unforgivable act in the face of so much unrepentant violence? Especially when my every instinct burned with the undeniable need to plunder this sweet, forbidden ambrosia.Β 

One kiss wouldn't damn me further,

I decided with grim satisfaction, licking my lips in anticipation. A cruel smirk carved my lips as I vowed to grant myself this delirious indulgence before granting my beautiful prize a merciful death come morning.


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