-[One] Golden newsᑣ𐭩


On a cozy, windy evening, the weather was perfect for settling in and enjoying the night. A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, rustling leaves in a soothing rhythm. The air carried a crisp chill, but it was the kind that made you want to snuggle under a warm blanket.

Jungkook found himself bored, with nothing to do, so he turned on the TV. What he saw on the news caught his attention, and his eyes widened with surprise.

A big smile spread across his face, and his expression lit up with excitement as he processed the significant news he had just witnessed.

Without wasting any moment, Jungkook quickly called his best friend, Jimin, to discuss the news.

"Helloooo!!! Jiminie!!!" he yelled out, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Jimin, startled by Jungkook's loud outburst, held his phone away from his ear to protect his hearing.

He narrowed his eyebrows in confusion and asked, "Yes, Kookie! Why did you call me this late? Are you okay?"

"Jimin, Jimin, Jimin!" Jungkook exclaimed, his voice filled with cheer and excitement. "Did you see today's live news?"

"No, why? Did Mr. Yoongi becomes the President?" Jimin asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, dismissing Jimin's suggestion. "No! I bet he must be sleeping right now, and leave it. TURN ON THE FUCKING TV RIGHT NOW!" he demanded, his eagerness evident in his words.

"Okay, okay, fine, fine! Wait!" Jimin responded, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. As he saw the news topic, his eyes widened in horror, and a wave of fear washed over him. He gulped hard, the fear of death visible on his face.

"Fuck, wait!" Jimin exclaimed,

frantically running towards all the windows and doors of his house. After securely locking them, he returned to his bedroom and hid himself under the blanket, trembling with fear.

"FUCK!-" Jimin quickly covered his mouth, preventing himself from speaking too loudly, afraid that someone might hear him – someone who was none other than V.

"Fuck!! How did he run away from Namjoon sir?" Jimin whispered, his voice quivering with panic.

"Like, I know he can escape from everyone, and it's not easy to catch him, but Mr. Namjoon was a professional inspector, and nobody expected that V could escape from him. V got caught after many fucking years of trying, and finally, we were living without any fear, and I could open the windows at night. Now, everything is going to be the same as before. What if... what if he kills me? Omo!! No, n-"

Jungkook cut off Jimin, who was panicking as if V would come to his house and kill him. Jungkook chuckled, amused by Jimin's overreaction. Jimin was perplexed, wondering why Jungkook found humor in such a grave situation.

"No one can keep him for more than a day, Chim," Jungkook said, his tone reassuring.

"No matter who the inspector is, V is intelligent and smart enough to escape from there. I'm really impressed by my daddy."

He added, blushing and smiling ear to ear as he lay down on his bed, legs swinging in the air, radiating pride and admiration for V.

"You're so unbelievable, Kookie," Jimin sighed, shaking his head in disbelief, his tone suggesting he might or might not think Jungkook was a psycho.

"What?" Jungkook pouted adorably, his plump lips jutting out in confusion.

"Nothing, you psycho bitch!" Jimin exclaimed, exasperation lacing his words.

"Just be careful and lock all the windows and doors because who knows where that fucker is right now."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Yah! Don't you dare call him that, okay?" he said possessively, a protective edge to his voice.

"I'm just saying the truth, bitch!" Jimin rolled his eyes, unfazed by Jungkook's warning.

Biting his lip temptingly, Jungkook tried to reason, "Why are you worrying about me so much, Jiminie? You know he doesn't harm innocent people."

Jimin scoffed loudly. "Yeah! And I'm Yoongi's husband. Bro, he literally killed a girl just because she was staring at him for more than a minute. Jeez! He doesn't even leave the girls." His voice quivered with fear, the mere mention of V's name sending shivers down his spine.

Undeterred, Jungkook defended his obsession. "Come on! He did the right thing! I mean, how dare she stare at him, and who would like it when someone stares at them, hm?"

Concern laced Jimin's tone as he spoke gently, "I'm sorry about you because you don't leave a chance to eye-fuck him, and also, let's visit a psychologist, hm? I don't think you're behaving like a normal person."

His lips curling into a sassy smirk, Jungkook flicked his imaginary long hair. "Shut up! I'm too cute and hot to resist and kill, you know?"

Jungkook wasn't wrong, his ethereal beauty and alluring charm could indeed captivate anyone who laid eyes on him.

A loud sigh echoed through the line, Jimin's frustration evident. "But you know he's still a criminal and a killer too. He's damn scary."

Jungkook jutted out his lower lip in a defiant pout. "Come on! Nobody has seen his face. He always wears a mask, so you can't call him scary."

"Yah! I know that, but his mask is scary too, and did you see his dark, sharp eyes?" Jimin shuddered.

"Oh my! He doesn't even need a knife; his eyes are enough to kill people and scare the shit out of them."

Jimin tried to explain, his words laced with genuine fear, that V's mere presence was terrifying, but Jungkook was too enamored to be scared.

Shaking his head, Jimin sighed for the nth time. "I can't understand who falls for criminals?"

A soft giggle escaped Jungkook's lips. "I do. People like me are drawn to criminals."

Jimin's voice softened with concern. "I'm scared, Kookie. You know we don't have anyone except each other. We have to be more careful."

Dismissively, Jungkook replied, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

A dreamy expression settled on Jungkook's features. "And if he comes to me, he won't be able to take his eyes off me. He'll get hypnotized by my beauty."

Jimin laughed, unable to deny the truth in Jungkook's words. "Yeah, yeah! Because you're too sexy, hot, and cute."

Determination filled Jungkook's voice. "Alright, then bye! Please pray for me that I can meet my lover this time, at least. I'm praying too."

Exasperated, Jimin replied, "I'm so done with you. Bye!" Then, a hint of worry crept into his tone.

"Lock the windows and doors."

"Bye, bye, Jiminie! Good night, and don't forget to pray for me, okay!" Jungkook said cutely before ending the call.

Tossing his phone onto the soft mattress, Jungkook closed his eyes, a small, content smile never leaving his face as he dreamed of finally meeting the elusive V, his dangerous obsession.

"I would go to the road V comes the most, but there are so many dogs, and I'm scared of them," Jungkook murmured wistfully, his voice tinged with disappointment.

"So I'm sorry, Daddy. I couldn't go to pick you up. But I'm leaving the windows open for you, yeah."

A coy smile played on his lips as he opened his eyes, tilting his head toward the bedside table. His gaze settled on the photo frame containing V's image, and warmth bloomed in his chest. Yes, he always kept it close, an ever-present reminder of his dangerous obsession.

Reaching out with reverent fingers, Jungkook gently picked up the frame and brought it closer, cradling it against his body. Without hesitation, he pressed a lingering kiss to the cool glass, his plush lips caressing the surface as if he could taste the man himself.

"I love you, V," he breathed, voice thick with unapologetic adoration.

"I hope my black magic works on you this time, and you'll come to me."

A soft, breathy laugh tumbled from his lips, equal parts anticipation and amusement at his own infatuation. The sound was melodic, carrying the weight of his forbidden desires.

Tucking the frame against his chest, Jungkook sang softly, the words a confession of his love, "Mama, I'm in love with a criminal."

The haunting melody hung in the air, a siren's call inviting danger. He pressed another tender kiss to the photo, his lips lingering as if seeking communion with the man who captivated his every thought.

Reluctantly, Jungkook returned the frame to its place on the nightstand, his fingers trailing over the image with a gentle caress before withdrawing.

Settling back against the pillows, his gaze drifted to the open window, a silent invitation for his dangerous lover.

"Come fast, Daddy. Can't wait to see you, hm? Good night."

With those parting words, thick with yearning, he allowed his eyes to drift shut, a contented smile gracing his features as he surren

dered to dreams of finally meeting the enigmatic V face-to-face, succumbing to the intoxicating pull of his criminal infatuation.


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